#82: The Fantastic Five

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Who am I? I’m Shem Opolot, a health professional turned content creator, passionate about helping people be their best selves in life and work.

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🦸🏾‍♀️ The Fantastic Five

Original photo by Marvel. Inc.

“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.“

I don’t like that phrase. Mostly because it’s a little off. Incomplete.

One of my earliest childhood memories is from when I was 6 years old. I skipped class to play cops and robbers, er, I mean, thieves and police, behind the school with Willy and some other hoodlums.

Willy was tiny but mighty. Kinda like The Penguin in Batman—an unassuming frame you’d ignore but casting a large shadow.

Willy said we should skip class, so we did.

The details are foggy, but I remember my class teacher approaching from the left while my elder brother approached from the right. They cornered us because I assume they deduced that such brazen stupidity had to be taken seriously.

We yielded without incident, and my memory cuts from that point and picks up with me in the living room at home: hips on the floor, torso propped up by my stiff arms, neck craned to turn my head backward and upwards to look at my dad, and Dad’s cane above my bum.

In Primary 5, I sat with all the goody-two-shoes kids near the front of the class. While handing out homework papers, Mrs. Mirembe called me the most disciplined pupil in the class after I said thank you as I accepted my homework paper.

The bar was on the floor.

A couple of weeks later, Mrs. Mirembe changed the seating arrangement, placing me at the back with Malik, one of the smartest, most troublesome fellows I’ve ever known.

Two days later, the teachers pulled my dad aside after school because I got involved in a few spats here and there.

In high school, I learned compartmentalization.

I had friends I talked about TV shows with, friends I’d lie to about how many bases I went to with the ladies (listen, I never said I was perfect ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), friends I played basketball with, friends I skipped morning prep with, friends I studied with, and friends I’d known all my life.

I say you can be anything you want by spending protected time with people who are really good at that thing.

You don’t have to cut off your friend like a thieving arm; you just need to create compartments.

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A quote

Source: Jack Butcher, Visualize Value

The world rewards the people who are best at communicating ideas, not the people with the best ideas.

David Perell

A picture.

Nsemere doesn’t remember what crawling is. She spends her days scaling new heights and harassing her brother.

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Turn your articles into audio.

Festival Show GIF by MagentaMusik

Gif by magentamusik on Giphy

This app will turn your articles into audio and so much more.

*Whispers* There’s a free tier.

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The Friday Fix Playlist

Shem’s picks

✅ Add “fluent in body language” to the other lies to tell on your CV.

✅ Save this for when you go to Europe.

✅ A glossary of AI terms in case you’re assigned to a task force.

✅ How the UN translates everything in real-time.

✅ Listen: The story of Adidas vs. Puma

Have a great weekend,

— Shem

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