#22: Do it scared

Happy Friday 🎉 I got into a dream Doctorate program and I now push a wheelbarrow under the moonlight collecting coins to pay for school. If you have any plugs or just want to give me free money, please reach out; I’ll replace the punchy ode to my wife I’ve prepared for the foreword of my upcoming best-seller novel with just—your name in bold Times New Roman. Hell, I’ll even throw in tattooing your last name on my ear lobes to sweeten the deal…

🧹 Housekeeping…

  1. If you haven’t yet, please fill out this short survey so I can learn more about you and make your experience here worthwhile

  2. Advertise in The Friday Fix because you like nice things

  3. Leave a review—I’m making a T-shirt with all your kind words (and insults)

Okay, let’s get into it 🚀

💡 1 thing I've learned

Scared? Unprepared? Do it anyway

If you don’t get this reference, you’re late for your afternoon nap

I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on the improved quality of my videos on YouTube and Instagram and each one fills me with joy.

I also love it when someone flags me down in a bar in between my gulps of water (because I’m not 20-something anymore) to tell me they love my content. Never stop. It means a lot to me.

What you may not know is for all my strides in content creation thus far, this journey is about four years late.

I didn’t start four years ago because:

—I wanted a perfect camera.

—I wanted to script my videos.

—I wanted a perfect place to shoot videos a la Ali Abdaal.

But I was really just scared:

—Scared of putting myself out there.

—Scared of what people would think.

—Scared of failing.

And when you’re scared, if you give your brain enough time, it’ll fabricate several bigger reasons why you shouldn’t do that thing you ought to do.

So, just start.

Do it scared. Do it unprepared.

I’m proof that with some consistency, things will get better along the way.

AD: Love yourself…

You work so hard. You deserve a treat. Take a moment for yourself and indulge in the ultimate self-care experience with Me Time by Sheenz. From luxurious body oils and balms to a range of customized self-care kits, Me Time by Sheenz will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed. So why wait? Treat yourself today!

🙏🏾 1 thing I'm grateful for


My wife put me on K-Dramas and in the beginning, as with mani-pedis, toxic masculinity prevented me from enjoying nice things.

But the shows are good! And the fashion 🙌🏾.

I get more aspirational fashion tips from K-Dramas than Instagram.

And we amended our wedding vows to render starting a new show alone worse than an extra-marital affair.

❤️ Enjoying The Friday Fix? Tweet about it, or share it on WhatsApp.

🚀 Pro-tip

Change the case of your text in Excel in 3,2,1…

Teacher: So you have a list of names as seen below:

Teacher: You want to give the names a uniform case. What do you do?

99% of the class: *Crickets*

You (right before you annoy everyone by asking for more homework for the weekend):


lower — changes to lower case

UPPER — changes to UPPER CASE

Proper — changes to Title Case

Teacher: How?

You: Hold my (soft) drink…

Me (the architect of this simulation): You gained the respect of the teacher but lost the camaraderie of your classmates. Was it worth it?

Me again (shrugging and avoiding your gaze): I don’t know, man; I just give you cool tips. Don’t look at me.

🧩 Games

Brain teaser

Brought to you by Braingle.

I promise you don’t need a calculator for this (sort of):

The number of girls who do wear a watch
is double the number who don't.
But the number of boys who do not wear a watch
is double the number who do.

If I tell you the number of girls in my class
is double the number of boys,
Can you tell me the number I teach?

Here's a clue: More than 20; below 32!

Answer below

🔥 What's hot

Latest video

Shem’s picks

👩🏾‍💻 Why you’re probably not doing your dream job

📺 Succession ended and it’s Friday, so here’s a list of the top 40 series finales ever

🗣 Is it normal to talk to yourself?

❓Riddle answer

Answer: 27
The number of boys must be a multiple of 3 (3, 6, 9...) so that it can be split in the ratio of 2:1 (no watch:watch).

The number of girls is double the no. of boys (6, 12, 18...)

So the totals can only be 9, 18, 27...

Have a great weekend,

— Shem

💞 Reviews

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

My diction and reasoning is improving as I read your emails each week. I like the humour too. Kudos

Priscilla, Advocacy & Comms at an NGO

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