#4: Mind the tricks your mind plays 🪄

Happy Friday! 🎉 This week we (my household) completed the shift from one internet service provider (ZUKU Fibre) to another (MTN Wakanet Pro) because there’s only so much abuse one can (should) take. The shift was not without challenges, and I anticipate a few tough days in the future, but taking the leap was an example of beating the sunk-cost fallacy 🥊.

Stay with me, I’ll explain what that is.

Let's get into it 🚀

🧹 But first, some housekeeping…

Last week’s post if you missed it.

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💡 1 thing I've learned this week

🪄 Mind the tricks your mind plays

Remember that one time you declined to participate in an activity because you were afraid people might judge you?

For me, it was breakdancing in high school. I was a damn good dancer back in the day if I do say so myself, but I thought dancing on stage would make me a tryhard.

I wanted to be perceived as effortlessly cool.

In reality, nobody cared and though I graced the stage a few times, I mostly missed out on having fun and making memories to cringe at later in life.

The preoccupation with other people’s opinions is called the spotlight effect, and the cure is to realize people aren’t as interested in your life as you think.

I may have taken beating the spotlight effect too far by starting a YouTube channel and a host of other platforms, but it’s too late to turn back now.

Or is it?

This leads me to a second and common fallacy — the sunk-cost fallacy.

Staying in a toxic relationship because you feel like you’ve invested too much time into it, or suffering through a boring movie because you paid your hard-earned money. These choices are examples of the sunk-cost fallacy.

You won’t get that time or money back anyway, so best change course for the better.

🅾️ Coming full circle: It was hard to change internet service providers because we felt we had invested a lot of time and money the first time around. But that feeling of loss couldn’t be the main driver of our decision to switch; Our quality of life was. So, sunk costs be damned, we ripped the cord (see what I did there? 😉) and are happier (for now). I’ll keep you posted.

Don’t make decisions from a place of fear.

🔌 Shameless plug

Don’t say I don’t put you on nice things 🔥

TLDR WeeklyThe top stories from Uganda and the rest of the world in 5 minutes or less 🚀

🙏🏾 1 thing I'm grateful for

I’m sure you’ve seen the graphic above before or some version of it. If you haven’t, I apologize for the feels 🥹.

This week my son got his first haircut and it was such a brief but bountiful moment.

I’m grateful for the time I have to spend with those I love.

🚀 Pro-tip

Ever wanted to create dummy text in a Word document?

Type =lorem(P,L) into your Word document and press Enter (or Return for Mac users). The “P” stands for your desired number of paragraphs and the “L” stands for your desired number of lines.

You never know when you might need to fudge up a word count 😅.

🦜 Quote of the week

Struggling with feeling left behind? Read this ⤵️ 

“You can never be late to your own life.”


In reality, our lives are the culmination of our day-to-day activities—which is why how you feel on a daily basis is so much more valuable than whether you’ve hit [insert major milestone here] by [insert age here].

When I find myself feeling “behind,” I try to reflect on these questions instead:

1. Do I enjoy how I’m spending my time?

2. How do I feel on most days?

3. Am I hanging out with friends and family?

4. Am I being creative and paying attention to my health?

Kat Norton

🔥 What's hot

📽️ My YouTube video this week

✍️ The latest on the blog

💎 Gems from the internet

🎬️ The Oscars are around the corner, so here’s a list of the top movies from 2022 in case you want to download them illegally buy them online.

🧠 The talk on fallacies came from this AMAZING video

🧬 Change your life one step at a time

🥕 What you should eat to boost memory and stay sharp

Have a great weekend,

— Shem

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