#21: Be humble...B*tch, sit down

Happy Friday 🎉 While waiting for John (more on him later), I watched a TikTok in which a lady said Gen Zs can’t read cursive or address envelopes correctly; and if Gen Zs ever took over the world, it’d be easy to get it back. We’d just have to write our plans in cursive and place them in envelopes. I’ve been laughing on and off for 5 days.

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Okay, let’s get into it 🚀

💡 1 thing I've learned

Practice humility and self-awareness

If you don’t get this reference, I…

I was at the bottom of my second pineapple and mint juice and the slurps were no longer out of necessity but boredom.

Anything to pass the time as I waited for John.

What an unserious dude!

I checked Instagram, then Twitter, then WhatsApp: Someone on Instagram tried to sell me something I wasn’t buying. Tweeple debated their relationship “icks” for the millionth time, and my WhatsApp chats carried a row of red badges over muted groups like a stream of red lights down Acacia Avenue.

I should really just leave those groups, but I won’t because I’m soft and care too much about what people think.

I lifted my eyes from my phone screen and searched the entrance for a shiny forehead or a bulging belly. They tend to announce John’s arrival before anything else.


I mounted the social media merry-go-round again, but John stumbled in, clattering chairs in his path to me.

Our eyes locked. His lips curved downwards, his eyes widened, and his hands touched squarely as the beginnings of an apology took shape.

By the time he shifted in the seat across from me, we both knew how sorry he was, so we started the meeting.

I hate it when people are late without communicating.

A few weeks went by…

I was running late for a meeting with John (clearly we’re besties) and I was struggling: my phone that’s almost always charged wasn’t charged, every door handle I touched was moist, my shirt armpits were damp and my trouser loops found every door handle in their path.

My elbows rested on our lunch table 30 minutes later than we’d agreed, but John was empathetic. His calmness was confounding, but I mustered the gall to list all the external factors that conspired to make me late.

You know, you have to at least pretend to explain.

“Shit happens,” John said.

We tend to attribute others’ behaviour to their personal character but attribute our own behaviours to situational factors. If someone is late, they’re lazy; if you’re late, it was traffic.

This is self-serving bias.

Try to practice humility and self-awareness and always seek accountability on your strengths and weaknesses from others.

AD: Do something different this weekend…

Zzimba Games has TONS of games you can buy or rent to spice up your party. You can be the cool friend by calling this number: +256 781 128 451. (Say Shem sent you)

🙏🏾 1 thing I'm grateful for

Clean toilets.

I took this pic a couple of months ago at a mall in New Jersey, because I appreciated how clean and beautiful the bathroom was.

I have a shocking number of pics of restrooms like these on my phone because I appreciate intentional design and just basic cleanliness.

❤️ Enjoying The Friday Fix? Share it with your friends!

🚀 Pro-tip

The best keyboard shortcuts in Google Drive in 3,2,1…

To find the keyboard shortcuts in Google Drive, open your Google Drive and:

Press ? (You may have to hold Shift depending on your keyboard)

But there are too many shortcuts to memorize, so here are the two I use the most:

To rename a file:

Select the file and press N

To preview a file without opening it:

Select the file and press P

🧩 Games

Brain teaser

Brought to you by Braingle.

Add together each of the defined words to get a whole new word

Example: to shout + what you say when you feel pain = a colour = yellow

1) A light brown color + to leave = a dance

2) A store's announcement + a type of women's clothing = a building's location

3) A vehicle + an animal pal = a floor covering

4) The ocean + a father's boy = part of the year

5) Another name for dad + a yellow veggie = a white fluffy snack

Answer below

🔥 What's hot

Latest video

Shem’s picks

☎️ This video on the possible future of phones will either scare you or wow you

💭 Why you should give up on your dreams

💰 Listen: do you have a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset?

❓Riddle answer


1) tan + go = tango
2) ad + dress = address
3) car + pet = carpet
4) sea + son = season
5) pop + corn = popcorn

Have a great weekend,

— Shem

💞 Reviews

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

The notes on writing today made me want to start writing again.

Annita, Engineer

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