#23: Do this a lot more...

Happy Friday 🎉 It’s a public holiday (in Uganda) so most of you are reading this later than usual. I’ll keep this short so I can go back to rehearsing Boyz II Men songs in the mirror (ahead of Sunday’s live show, for those of you who are lost). My go-to karaoke song, when I’m at the peak of my powers, is Boyz II Men’s End of the Road. I fluctuate between hitting Wanya Morris’ high notes which must be accompanied by rain, a torn button-down shirt, clenched fists, bended knees, and rhythmic flailing; and Michael’s baritone—the last gasp effort to woo the girl back in sonorous bass.

But—in a plot twist—the show’s near my home, so I’m saving on tickets and hosting a listening party instead. We’ll go ears to plastic cups and plastic cups to the walls and tune in. DM for prices.

🧹 Housekeeping…

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  3. Advertise in The Friday Fix while we’re still priced for regular folk 😅

  4. Leave a review so I can show my enemies

Okay, let’s get into it 🚀

💡 1 thing I've learned

Celebrate the small wins

Source: GIPHY

I’m in a Rotary club, and when we’re not trying to save the world, Rotary’s realities rattle me:

The older we get, we get to the point where our peers start to die. Almost every month in our Rotary WhatsApp group, there’s some RIP message eulogizing a well-loved titan whom everyone (except me—the youngin) knew.

Soon there will be youngins below me and I’ll be the one doing the eulogizing. Or the one being eulogized.

Okay, that was dark.

Pause. Breathe…

…But I also love how much and how often the “Rotary oldies” celebrate. So and so got a promotion—party. So and so is now the district representative of some esoteric committee—party. Just for just—party. It’s excessive, occasionally expensive, and I don’t always attend all the gatherings, but I love it.

I love that they celebrate the big things and the small things often.

You should do the same.

We crossed 400 subscribers on here recently and I shrugged it off, thinking of the time 1 million people will read these newsletters Friday-ly.

But now I want to celebrate. Can you imagine 400 people read this newsletter every week? WOW!

Don’t let the past or the future suffocate your present.

Today, I’m going to treat myself to some Chicken Tikka Masala, butter naan, and egg-fried rice to celebrate.

I’m celebrating the small stuff.

You should do the same.

AD: Treat yourself…

I started using the beard oil from Me Time by Sheenz a week before I met the love of my life. I’m not saying using any of the fantastic products in their line will bring you similar fortune, but I’m also not not saying that. Do with that what you will…

🙏🏾 1 thing I'm grateful for

My Kind Words folder

A kind words folder is a place where you store all the nice things people say to you. It could be positive feedback at work, those wild proposals of marriage women trade in their Instagram comments, or an appreciative text from a friend.

I collect all the kind comments and feedback I get and dump them in the kind words folder on my laptop desktop. When I feel like all this is a pipe dream, I open the folder and it’s like a shot in the arm of sugar, spice and everything nice.

Try it.

❤️ Enjoying The Friday Fix? Tweet about it, or share it on WhatsApp.

🚀 Pro-tip

Stand out in your next job interview in 3,2,1…

There’s a lot of job interview prep help out there like this.

But how often do you get tips on what questions to ask at the end of the job interview?

You’ll probably get to ask 2 or 3 questions max, so make them count:

1. “How have your expectations/perceptions of this company changed from your first weeks here til now in your current role, what has been the biggest surprise for you?”

2. “What are some duties that are not listed on the job description that you foresee being a part of my responsibilities to manage once hired?”

3. “I think I have a good understanding of this role, but can you describe a typical day at work for the successful candidate in this role?”

4. “What personal qualities do the teammates you value most possess?”

5. “I’m really interested in this role. After interviewing me, are there any concerns you have that I can clear up for you right now?”

I know the economy is tough and it’s easy to go into interviews feeling desperate and unleveraged, but please, channel the delusional confidence of a middle-aged white man and remember YOU ARE THE PRIZE.

Good luck!

🧩 Games

Brain teaser

Brought to you by Braingle.

This one is a bit of a head-scratcher.

A man's life was at an all-time low. He lost his job, his wife, his house; and now his mom just died in a car accident. After the funeral, a man approached him and told him his mom had taken a mortgage on the house and left him nothing except one thing. It was a note that read:

Dear, my only son,

Thhaenrge! Tmhoe Bnaecykiyarsd”

After the man read the note, he finally got a smile on his face. What did his mom tell him in the note?

Answer below

🔥 What's hot

Latest video

Shem’s picks

🎫 A deck on everything in tech

📚 Every self-help book ever, boiled down to 11 simple rules

🤖 A bible on all things AI for your next bar argument

❓Riddle answer


If you don't understand what it read, it said:
"Hang in There! Money is in the backyard."


If you read, you can see the "hang" is literally in "there" and "money is" is literally in "the backyard."

Have a great weekend,

— Shem

💞 Reviews

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

My diction and reasoning is improving as I read your emails each week. I like the humour too. Kudos

Priscilla, Advocacy & Comms at an NGO

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