#8: Mind your business 💰

Happy Friday! 🎉 My son is officially in the climbing every table and chair in sight stage and it can only end one way…

Quick one: You’ve been subscribed for a while now (unless you’re new, in which case, hi so much, and scroll down to get to the good stuff), so I’m willing to bet you get the gist of The Friday Fix.

This is a perfect time for me to ask for 2 things:

  1. Tell me what you think so far 

  2. Leave a review so I can give those standing outside the gate FOMO

Both of these take less than a minute to complete because I don’t like wasting your time 🙏🏾.

Thank you for your feedback and kind words 😊.

Okay, let's get into it 🚀

🧹 But first, some housekeeping…

Last week’s post if you missed it.

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💡 1 thing I've learned this week

I bet you have a side hustle.

Either for additional income as inflation kicks your ass, or to turn the side hustle into your main hustle so you can finally send that hate mail to your boss.

Either way, we’re minding our business 😉.

As I grow my solopreneurship empire, 3 things are essential for my success:

  1. Get personal with customers: listen, get feedback, call them, and follow up. Make them feel special

  2. Don’t be afraid to break the rules: there are several cookie-cutter formulas for building successful businesses, but sometimes you should think outside the box. For example, your unique understanding of your target clientele might point you in an unusual but better direction. Lean into it.

  3. Use your gut: I know I know. What does this even mean? As your business grows, opportunities will come your way. Some perfect, some iffy. Both will offer much-needed income or visibility and you’ll be inclined to accept. But, sometimes it won’t feel right. Listen to that feeling.

I’m getting to know you by asking you to fill this out and leave a review (if you didn’t up there).

I’m breaking the rules by creating a business by sharing value “for free”


…I’m using my gut to ground myself when shiny deals, opportunities, or just plain desperation rattle me.

🔌 Shameless plug

Readers are saying reading TLDR Weekly is like getting news from your bestie.

TLDR WeeklyThe top stories from Uganda and the rest of the world in 5 minutes or less 🚀

🙏🏾 1 thing I'm grateful for


My family does a 40-day fast early every year, outside the traditional Christian calendar. Our 40-day fast ends today and I can’t wait to binge-eat EVERYTHING!

The rules of our fast:

  1. Nothing to eat from midnight to 6 PM every day

  2. Only allowed to drink plain water

  3. No alcohol

  4. No sugar

I use the moments when the hunger pangs push me to the brink to pray and reflect.

Without prayer or reflection during the fast, you’re not fasting. You’re on a hunger strike or a dangerous dietary regimen.

Fasting has a way of helping you focus on what’s really important.

Try it, but start slow if you’re a newbie. Fast for a day, two days, then a week and so on.

I promise it’ll do wonders for your resolve and your health.

🚀 Pro-tip

The right way to number lists in Excel or Google Sheets

Step 1: Start with your list

Step 2: Use the SEQUENCE function

In the SEQUENCE function, you specify the number of rows (5), columns (1), the starting figure (1), and the interval you want (1)

Using the SEQUENCE function a la Step 2 is great if you know the number of items in the list, but that’s not always possible or sustainable. So, we add Step 3 ⤵️

Step 3: Combine the SEQUENCE function with the COUNTA function

Adding COUNTA allows you to count all future names added to the list automatically

For a detailed breakdown of how this works, check here.

🧩 Games


My first offers a variety of drinks
My second defines the way a program thinks
My whole can be read as fast as the eye blinks

What am I?

Answer below

🔥 What's hot

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🚩 Clickbait

🔑 This site is a gold mine for free cultural and educational media

💡 This site shows you how things are made

😴 Read: Making a case for living the unoptimized life

📷 The best science pictures from January

❓Riddle answer

Answer: bar code

Have a great weekend,

— Shem

💞 Reviews

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

I love your newsletter and blog. Your writing is fun and relatable. Keep going.

Yunia Kazibwe

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  2. Book a consultation for Excel or your CV

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